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Dram Shop Acts

Dram Shop Acts 〈美〉《酒类供应商责任法》 美国许多州制定的一种民事责任法。这种法律一般规定,酒店业主应对在其酒店买酒并喝醉者给第三人造成的人身或财产损害负责。有些州法中的酒类包括啤酒,有些州法不包括,有些州法除适用于出售酒类外也适用于以酒作礼品的场合。这些法律所规定的责任不仅及于醉酒者直接造成第三人的人身伤害及财产损失,还及于第三人因受伤害而致家庭失却的抚养和赡养。 (→Civil Damage Acts)

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dommage survenu

dommage survenu (daw-mazh suur-v[schwa]-noo). [French] Damage sustained. • This is from article 17 of the Warsaw Convention providing for compensatory damages, rather than awards for loss of society or punitive damages, for bodily injury that a passenger suffers while onboard an aircraft, or while boarding or disembarking. [Cases: Carriers 307, 319. C.J.S. Aeronautics and Aerospace

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breach of promise

breach of promise. The violation of one’s word or undertaking, esp. a promise to marry. • Under English common law, an engagement to marry had the nature of a commercial contract, so if one party broke the engagement without justification, the innocent party was entitled to damages. See HEARTBALM STATUTE . [Cases: Breach of Marriage

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racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. A law designed to attack organized criminal activity and preserve marketplace integrity by investigating, controlling, and prosecuting persons who participate or conspire to participate in racketeering. • Enacted in 1970, the federal RICO statute applies only to activity involving interstate or foreign commerce. 18 USCA §§ 1961–1968. Since then,

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