Search Results for: DAMAGE

disaster relief act

Disaster Relief Act. A federal statute that provides a means by which the federal government can help state and local governments to relieve suffering and damage resulting from disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, mudslides, drought, fire, and explosions. • A 1974 amendment established a process for the President to declare

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emotional distress

A highly unpleasant mental reaction (such as anguish, grief, fright, humiliation, or fury) that results from another person’s conduct; emotional pain and suffering. • Emotional distress, when severe enough, can form a basis for the recovery of tort damages. — Also termed emotional harm; mental anguish; mental distress; mental suffering. See INTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL

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judgment by default and inquiry

judgment by default and inquiry 缺席和调查判决 法院确认原告在起诉状中所主张的诉权的判决,肯定原告至少在名义上享有取得损害赔偿的权利,并排除被告有权提供任何证据以否认原告的诉权。但至于损害赔偿的性质、范围、数额则留待听审〔hearing in damages〕后由终局判决来确定。

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injuria sine damno

injuria sine damno 〈拉〉未造成损害的侵权行为 指侵犯他人合法权利,但未造成损害或损失的过错及失职行为。一般地说,对未造成确定损失的过错或失职行为,只需判处象征性损害赔偿金〔nominal damages〕,不作更多赔偿。但在某些案例中,特别是过失的侵权行为,必须有可确定的损失才能提起诉讼;如无损失,就根本不产生请求权〔claim〕。 (→damnum sine injuria)

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