Search Results for: DAMAGE

intentional infliction of emotional distress

intentional infliction of emotional distress. The tort of intentionally or recklessly causing another person severe emotional distress through one’s extreme or outrageous acts. • In a few jurisdictions, a physical manifestation of the mental suffering is required for the plaintiff to recover. — Also termed (in some states) outrage. See EMOTIONAL DISTRESS. Cf. NEGLIGENT INFLICTION […]

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penal action

penal action (1)惩罚性诉讼 指请求支付惩罚性赔偿的各种民事诉讼。例如诽谤诉讼或依法律规定支付特别赔偿或双倍乃至三倍赔偿的诉讼,包括返还高利贷、违反反托拉斯法等案件。 (2)刑事诉讼(→damages) (3)罚金诉讼 为取得法律规定对不法行为人可判处的罚金而提起的诉讼。如果制定法规定罚金归于任何提起诉讼的个人,这种诉讼又称作大众诉讼〔popular action〕;如果制定法规定罚金部分归国家,部分归提起诉讼的人,这种诉讼又称作分享的诉讼〔qui tam action〕。

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trespass on the case

At common law, an action to recover damages that are not the immediate result of a wrongful act but rather a later consequence. • This action was the precursor to a variety of modern-day tort claims, including negligence, nuisance, and business torts. — Often shortened to case. — Also termed action on the case; breve

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