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supplicatio (s[schwa]p-li-kay-shee-oh), n. [Latin] Roman law. 1. A petition to the emperor requesting him to decide a case, not already before a court, in first instance or, sometimes, to reopen a case in which no appeal is normally allowed. “Another mode was supplicatio, petition to the Emperor by a private person, not allowed when the […]

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freehold, n. 1. An estate in land held in fee simple, in fee tail, or for term of life; any real-property interest that is or may become possessory. • At common law, these estates were all created by enfeoffment with livery of seisin. [Cases: Estates in Property 4–7, 12. C.J.S. Estates §§ 10–14, 20–27.] 2.

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lapping. An embezzlement technique by which an employee takes funds from one customer’s accounts receivable and covers it by using a second customer’s payment to pay the first account, then a third customer’s payment to pay the second account, and so on. [Cases: Embezzlement 12. C.J.S. Embezzlement § 26.]

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abandonment of invention

abandonment of invention 放弃发明 指对发明人权利的放弃。它可以是发明人自愿公开其发明内容,也可以是发明人因过失而迟延主张自己的权利或未申请专利,从而允许公众使用其发明。美国专利法对授予专利实行「先发明」原则,故其所谓的放弃发明是指发明人因故意隐瞒发明或者在发明完成后的合理期间内未申请专利从而阻止其发明为公众知悉的行为。这种行为可以导致该发明人丧失「先发明人优先权」〔first inventor’s priority〕,并因此使后发明人〔later rival inventor〕获得专利。

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atlantic reporter

Atlantic Reporter. A set of regional lawbooks, part of the West Group’s National Reporter System, containing every published appellate decision from Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont, as well as the decisions of the District of Columbia Municipal Court of Appeals, from 1885 to date. • The first

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declaration of paris

Declaration of Paris. An international agreement, signed by Great Britain, France, Turkey, Sardinia, Austria, Prussia, and Russia in 1856 (at the end of the Crimean War), providing that (1) privateering is illegal, (2) with the exception of contraband, a neutral flag covers an enemy’s goods, (3) with the exception of contraband, neutral goods cannot be

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