Search Results for: DAMAGE

sue and labor clause

Marine insurance. A provision establishing that the marine insurer will cover the costs incurred by the insured in protecting the covered property from damage or minimizing actual damages to the property. • The clause generally requires the insurer to “sue and labor” to protect the insured party’s interests. — Also termed rescue clause. [Cases: Insurance […]

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prejudice, n. 1. Damage or detriment to one’s legal rights or claims. See dismissal with prejudice, dismissal without prejudice under DISMISSAL. legal prejudice. A condition that, if shown by a party, will usu. defeat the opposing party’s action; esp., a condition that, if shown by the defendant, will defeat a plaintiff’s motion to dismiss a

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Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act

A law designed to attack organized criminal activity and preserve marketplace integrity by investigating, controlling, and prosecuting persons who participate or conspire to participate in racketeering. • Enacted in 1970, the federal RICO statute applies only to activity involving interstate or foreign commerce. 18 USCA §§ 1961–1968. Since then, many states have adopted laws (sometimes

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zone of danger rule

Torts. The doctrine allowing the recovery of damages for negligent infliction of emotional distress if the plaintiff was both located in the dangerous area created by the defendant’s negligence and frightened by the risk of harm. [Cases: Damages 49.10. C.J.S. Damages § 95; Torts §§ 67, 76–79, 82–83.]

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overhead, n. Business expenses (such as rent, utilities, or support-staff salaries) that cannot be allocated to a particular product or service; fixed or ordinary operating costs. — Also termed administrative expense; office expense. [Cases: Damages 42, 45. C.J.S. Damages §§ 62–65.]

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legal injury rule

legal-injury rule. The doctrine that the statute of limitations on a claim does not begin to run until the claimant has sustained some legally actionable damage. • Under this rule, the limitations period is tolled until the plaintiff has actually been injured. — Also termed damage rule. [Cases: Limitation of Actions 43. C.J.S. Limitations of

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heartbalm statute

A state law that abolishes the rights of action for monetary damages as solace for the emotional trauma occasioned by a loss of love and relationship. • The abolished rights of action include alienation of affections, breach of promise to marry, criminal conversation, and seduction of a person over the legal age of consent. Many

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