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nautae caupones stabularii

nautae, caupones, stabularii (naw-tee, kaw-poh-neez, stab-y[schwa]-lair-ee-I). [Latin] Roman law. Carriers by sea, innkeepers, stablers. • The phrase was used in an edict holding shippers, innkeepers, and stablers liable for damages to goods entrusted to them for safekeeping (receptum). Members of this group were also vicariously liable for the torts of their employees and slaves. “The

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advice of counsel

advice of counsel. 1. The guidance given by lawyers to their clients. 2. In a malicious-prosecution lawsuit, a defense requiring both a complete presentation of facts by the defendant to his or her attorney and honest compliance with the attorney’s advice. [Cases: Malicious Prosecution 21, 25(2). C.J.S. Malicious Prosecution or Wrongful Litigation §§ 25, 42,

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cattle trespass

cattle trespass 家畜侵入土地 指自家的牲畜闯入他人的土地。在普通法上,家畜的所有者有义务看管好牲畜,防止其进入他人的土地。违反该义务的责任不是绝对责任,但比过失责任严格。对因违反该义务造成损害的人,可以提起家畜侵入土地之诉。 (→liability for animals; damage feasant)

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benefit, n. 1. Advantage; privilege (the benefit of owning a car). 2. Profit or gain; esp., the consideration that moves to the promisee (a benefit received from the sale). — Also termed legal benefit; legal value. Cf. DETRIMENT(2). death benefit. (usu. pl.) A sum or sums paid to a beneficiary from a life-insurance policy on

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contents unknown

contents unknown. A statement placed on a bill of lading to show that the carrier does not know what is inside shipped containers. • Carriers use this phrase in an attempt to limit their liability for damage to the goods shipped. Shipper’s load and count is also used. [Cases: Carriers 50; Shipping 106(3). C.J.S. Shipping

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