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submission, n. 1. A yielding to the authority or will of another (his resistance ended in an about-face: complete submission). 2. A contract in which the parties agree to refer their dispute to a third party for resolution (in their submission to arbitration, they referred to the rules of the American Arbitration Association). [Cases: Arbitration […]

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blanc seign

blanc seign (blahnk sayn). [Law French] Civil law. A signed paper entrusted to someone with the power to bind the signer within the limits of the agreement between the signer and the grantee. See POWER OF ATTORNEY(1).

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judicial notice

A court’s acceptance, for purposes of convenience and without requiring a party’s proof, of a well-known and indisputable fact; the court’s power to accept such a fact [the trial court took judicial notice of the fact that water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit].Fed. R. Evid. 201. — Also termed judicial cognizance; judicial knowledge. [Cases: Criminal

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supersedere (s[y]oo-p[schwa]r-s[schwa]-deer-ee). [Law Latin] Hist. SIST. “When creditors voluntarily agree to supersede or sist diligence against their debtor for a certain period, such an agreement is called a supersedere; and the same name is given to any judicial act by which creditors are restrained from doing diligence. A creditor who commits a breach of the

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tying arrangement

tying arrangement 搭配安排;搭售协议 指出卖人与买受人达成的协议,其中约定,除非买受人同时购买不同的商品或服务才可以购买某一商品或服务,前一商品或服务称为「被搭售商品或服务」〔tied product or service〕,后一商品或服务称为「搭售商品或服务」〔tying prodcut or service〕。在美国,如果该种协议过度抑制竞争,则可根据《谢尔曼法》〔Sherman Act〕或《克莱顿法》〔Clayton Act〕认定其为非法。该词亦指出卖人单方拒绝将某一商品或服务售与他人,除非买受人购买不同的商品或服务。亦写作「tying agreement」;「tie-in」;「tie-in agreement」。

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third party consent

third-party consent. A person’s agreement to official action (such as a search of premises) that affects another person’s rights or interests. • To be effective for a search, third-party consent must be based on the consenting person’s common authority over the place to be searched or the items to be inspected. See COMMON-AUTHORITY RULE.

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