Search Results for: REGULATION Q

United States Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals

United States Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals 美国临时紧急上诉法院 根据1971年对1970年《经济稳定法》〔Economic Stabilization Act〕的修正案而成立的联邦专门法院,实为二战期间的美国紧急上诉法院〔United States Emergency Courts of Appeals〕的翻版。其法官来自其他联邦法院,对联邦地区法院对因1970年《工资-物价条例》〔wage-price regulations〕而产生的案件的判决不服的上诉案件及因1970年《经济稳定法》而产生的宪法性问题具有专属管辖权。最高法院可对其判决进行审查。

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board of trade

board of trade. 1. A federation of business executives dedicated to advancing and protecting business interests. 2. An organization that runs a commodities exchange. See CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. [Cases: Commodity Futures Trading Regulation 6. C.J.S. Securities Regulation § 455.] 3. Hist. The Lords of the Committee of the Privy Council that had jurisdiction over

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subdivision, n. 1. The division of a thing into smaller parts. 2. A parcel of land in a larger development. — subdivide, vb. illegal subdivision. The division of a tract of land into smaller parcels in violation of local subdivision regulations, as when a developer begins laying out streets, installing sewer and utility lines, and

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Federal Register

Federal Register 〈美〉《联邦登记》 《联邦登记》是公开刊载联邦行政机关的法规和其他法律文件的公报,内容涵盖了十分广泛的政府活动,周一至周五每日出版。《联邦登记》的重要功能之一是公开行政机关拟议的变革(规章、法规、标准等),以便公民、团体参加讨论,提出书面意见、数据,有时也可进行口头辩论。最终通过的法规和规章刊载于《联邦法规汇编》〔Code of Federal Regulations〕。

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court rules

court rules. Regulations having the force of law and governing practice and procedure in the various courts, such as the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, the U.S. Supreme Court Rules, and the Federal Rules of Evidence, as well as any local rules that a court promulgates. — Also termed

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suggestive trademark

A trademark that suggests rather than describes the particular characteristics of a product, thus requiring a consumer to use imagination to draw a conclusion about the nature of the product. • A suggestive trademark is entitled to protection without proof of secondary meaning. — Also termed evocative trademark; suggestive mark; suggestive name. See SECONDARY MEANING.

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blackout period

blackout period. Trademarks. The time between the examining attorney’s approval of an intent-to-use application for publication in the Official Gazette and the issuance of a notice of allowance after publication, during which the applicant may not file a statement of use or make any other substantive amendment to the application. [Cases: Trade Regulation 214. C.J.S.

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ex turpi causa

ex turpi causa (eks t[schwa]r-pIkaw-z[schwa]). [Latin] From an immoral consideration. • This phrase, a shortened form of the maxim ex turpi causa non oritur actio (“from an immoral consideration an action does not arise”), expresses the principle that a party does not have a right to enforce performance of an agreement founded on a consideration

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