Search Results for: REGULATION Q

rule of capture

rule of capture. 1. The doctrine that if the donee of a general power of appointment manifests an intent to assume control of the property for all purposes and not just for the purpose of appointing it to someone, the donee captures the property and the property goes to the donee’s estate. • One common […]

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commerce clause

Commerce Clause. U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 3, which gives Congress the exclusive power to regulate commerce among the states, with foreign nations, and with Indian tribes. [Cases: Commerce 4–6. C.J.S. Commerce §§ 2–3, 5–7.] Dormant Commerce Clause. The constitutional principle that the Commerce Clause prevents state regulation of interstate commercial activity even

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disparaging trademark

A trademark that tends to bring a person or class of people into contempt or disrepute. • Section 2(a) of the Lanham Act prohibits the registration of disparaging marks. 15 USCA § 1052(a). — Also termed disparaging mark. See prohibited and reserved trademark. [Cases: Trade Regulation 282. C.J.S. Trade-Marks, Trade-Names, and Unfair Competition § 190.]

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