Commerce Clause
U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 3, which gives Congress the exclusive power to regulate commerce among the states, with foreign nations, and with Indian tribes. [Cases: Commerce 4–6. C.J.S. Commerce §§ 2–3, 5–7.]
U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 3, which gives Congress the exclusive power to regulate commerce among the states, with foreign nations, and with Indian tribes. [Cases: Commerce 4–6. C.J.S. Commerce §§ 2–3, 5–7.]
Commerce Clause. U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 3, which gives Congress the exclusive power to regulate commerce among the states, with foreign nations, and with Indian tribes. [Cases: Commerce 4–6. C.J.S. Commerce §§ 2–3, 5–7.] Dormant Commerce Clause. The constitutional principle that the Commerce Clause prevents state regulation of interstate commercial activity even
commerce clause 〈美〉商业条款 指美国宪法第一条第八款第三项。该条款授权国会排他地管理对外贸易〔commerce with foreign nations〕、州际商业〔commerce among the several states〕和同印第安部落的商业〔commerce with Indian tribes〕。相当数量的联邦法律和条例是依据该条款制定的。