Search Results for: REGULATION Q

son of sam law

Son-of-Sam law. A state statute that prohibits a convicted criminal from profiting by selling his or her story rights to a publisher or filmmaker. • State law usu. authorizes prosecutors to seize royalties from a convicted criminal and to place the money in an escrow account for the crime victim’s benefit. This type of law […]

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arbitrage (ahr-b[schwa]-trahzh), n. The simultaneous buying and selling of identical securities in different markets, with the hope of profiting from the price difference in those markets. — Also termed space arbitrage. [Cases: Securities Regulation 53.17(4). C.J.S. Securities Regulation § 153.] — arbitrager (ahr-b[schwa]-trazh-[schwa]r), arbitrageur (ahr-b[schwa]-trah-zh[schwa]r), n. covered-interest arbitrage. The simultaneous investment in a currency and

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trade dress

trade dress. Trademarks. The overall appearance and image in the marketplace of a product or a commercial enterprise. • For a product, trade dress typically comprises packaging and labeling. For an enterprise, it typically comprises design and decor. If a trade dress is distinctive and nonfunctional, it may be protected under trademark law. — Also

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license fee

license fee. 1. A monetary charge imposed by a governmental authority for the privilege of pursuing a particular occupation, business, or activity. — Also termed license tax. [Cases: Licenses 1. C.J.S. Architects § 8; Licenses§§ 2–4.] 2. A charge of this type accompanied by a requirement that the licensee take some action, or be subjected

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major federal action

major federal action. Environmental law. An undertaking by a federal agency, or one that must be approved by a federal agency, that may have a significant impact on the environment, such as constructing an aqueduct or dam, constructing a highway through wetlands, or adopting certain agency regulations. • Under the National Environmental Policy Act, a

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naval law

naval law. A system of regulations governing naval forces. See CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE . [Cases: Armed Services 2; Military Justice 507. C.J.S. Armed Services §§ 5–6; Military Justice§§ 6, 66.]

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