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bill of revivor and supplement

bill of revivor and supplement 诉讼恢复及补充诉状 它是诉讼恢复诉状和补充诉状〔supplemental bill〕的混合,不仅可恢复对由于原告死亡等原因而中止诉讼的案件重新审理,而且可对因后来所发生的事件而致初始诉状〔original bill〕中存在的缺陷作补充,从而使得当事人可依其全部案件事实获得救济。

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village. 1. Traditionally, a modest assemblage of houses and buildings for dwellings and businesses. 2. In some states, a municipal corporation with a smaller population than a city. — Also termed (in sense 2) town; borough. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 1. 1. C.J.S. Municipal Corporations §§ 2–7.]

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villenous judgment

villenous judgment (vil-[schwa]-n[schwa]s). Hist. A judgment that deprived a person of his libera lex, as a result of which he was discredited and disabled as a juror and witness, forfeited his goods and chattels and land, had his houses razed and trees uprooted, and went to prison. — Also spelled villainous judgment.

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villein service

villein service. Hist. A base service that a villein performed, such as working on the lord’s land on certain days of the week (usu. two to four). • These services were not considered suitable to a man of free and honorable rank. — Also termed villein servitium. See WEEK-WORK.

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