Search Results for: GRANT OF RIGHTS


VARA.abbr. VISUAL ARTISTS RIGHTS ACT. vara (vah-rah).Spanish-Am. law. A measure of length equal to about 33 inches. • Local usage varies, so that it may sometimes be more and sometimes less than 33 inches. In Mexican land grants, the measure is equal to 32.9927 inches. The term is often found in old land grants in

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occupant. 1. One who has possessory rights in, or control over, certain property or premises. 2. One who acquires title by occupancy. general occupant. A person who occupies land in the interim arising after the death of a pur autre vie tenant but before the death of the person who serves as the measuring life

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berne plus

Berne-plus, adj. Copyright. Of or relating to a copyright-treaty provision that affords greater intellectual-property protection than the minimum required by the Berne Convention, either by granting stronger rights or by extending protection to new forms of subject matter. • The term arose during negotiations over the TRIPs Agreement, reflecting the principle that the treaty should

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parental preference doctrine

parental-preference doctrine. The principle that custody of a minor child should ordinarily be granted to a fit parent rather than another person. • The preference can be rebutted by proof that the child’s best interests are to the contrary. — Also termed parental-rights doctrine; parental-superior-rights doctrine; parental-presumption rule. Cf. BEST INTERESTS OF THE CHILD. [Cases:

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incentive to disclose theory

incentive-to-disclose theory. Patents. The economic theory justifying the grant of patent rights based on the social benefit of having the information enter the public domain. • Without the incentive, the argument goes, the technical advancements would remain trade secrets and the duplication of research efforts would be a waste to society. Cf. INCENTIVE-TO-COMMERCIALIZE THEORY; INCENTIVE-TO-DESIGN-AROUND

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obstruction. 1. Something that impedes or hinders, as in a street, river, or design; an obstacle. 2. The act of impeding or hindering something; interference. 3. Oil & gas. A common-law doctrine that suspends the running of time under an oil-and-gas lease or extends the lease for a reasonable period of time if rights granted

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