Search Results for: GRANT OF RIGHTS

title of right

title of right. A court-issued decree creating, transferring, or extinguishing rights. • Examples include a decree of divorce or judicial separation, an adjudication of bankruptcy, a discharge in bankruptcy, a decree of foreclosure against a mortgagor, an order appointing or removing a trustee, and a grant of letters of administration. In all the examples listed,

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charta de foresta

Charta de Foresta. Hist. A charter that defined the extent of the Crown’s rights and privileges in the royal forests, granted the common people some rights to use the forests, and reduced the penalties for crimes such as poaching. • The charter was first promulgated in 1217 and revised in 1225. — Also termed Carta

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non concessit

non concessit (non k[schwa]n-ses-it), n. [Law Latin “he did not grant”] Hist. 1. English law. The plea by which the defendant denies that certain rights were given by letters patent to the plaintiff. • For example, if a plaintiff sues for the infringement of a patent right, the defendant can deny that the Crown granted

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bayh–dole act

Bayh–Dole Act. Patents. A federal statute that permits the U.S. Government to take title to or require licensing of nongovernmental inventions made by small businesses and nonprofit organizations while participating in federally funded programs. • Under the Act, an entity funded by the federal government must timely disclose any invention made in the course of

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nomen (noh-men or -m[schwa]n), n. [Latin] 1. Roman law. A personal name. • A Roman citizen generally had three names: a praenomen (“first name”), a nomen (“the name of the family group”), and cognomen (“a surname”). 2. Hist. A person’s first name. 3. More broadly, any name. Pl. nomina. See AGNOMEN. nomen collectivum (noh-men kol-[schwa]k-tI-v[schwa]m).

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