non concessit

non concessit (non k[schwa]n-ses-it), n. [Law Latin “he did not grant”] Hist. 1. English law. The plea by which the defendant denies that certain rights were given by letters patent to the plaintiff. • For example, if a plaintiff sues for the infringement of a patent right, the defendant can deny that the Crown granted […]

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non concessit

non concessit 〈拉〉(古)未授予 1契据关系当事人以外的第三人提出的一种答辩,否认契据中授予人的权利以及契据的效力;2被告提出的一种答辩,否认国王颁发了授予原告权利的特许状。例如,当原告起诉被告侵害其特许权时,被告可以国家实际上未授予原告所主张的权利为由进行抗辩。

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