Search Results for: GREE

continuation agreement

continuation agreement. Partnership. An agreement among the partners that, in the event of dissolution, the business of the partnership can be continued without the necessity of liquidation. Cf. BUY–SELL AGREE-MENT(1). [Cases: Partnership 277. C.J.S. Partnership §§ 318–320.] “Normally, a continuation agreement would have some type of provision for purchasing the interest of a deceased or

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separation agreement

separation agreement. 1. An agreement between spouses in the process of a divorce or legal separation concerning alimony, maintenance, property division, child custody and support, and the like. — Also termed separation order (if approved or sanctioned judicially). See temporary order under ORDER. 2. DIVORCE AGREEMENT. [Cases: Husband and Wife 277.]

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degree of negligence

degree of negligence. One of the varying levels of negligence typically designated as slight negligence, ordinary negligence, and gross negligence. See NEGLIGENCE. [Cases: Negligence 272–276. C.J.S. Negligence §§ 88–113.] “Although the common law concept of degrees of negligence has been criticized or repudiated in many jurisdictions, the usefulness of the view at common law that

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Gretna Green

Gretna Green 格雷特纳·格林 1英格兰靠近苏格兰边界的一个小村镇,英格兰的私奔情侣去那里结婚以逃避宗教结婚仪式前的结婚公告和英格兰法律规定的其他正式手续;2在美国,指许多情侣为躲避某些强加的结婚手续,保守结婚秘密而选择的某个地方,在那里怡人的环境中举行婚礼。

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