Search Results for: TEC

anticounterfeiting consumer protection act

Anticounterfeiting Consumer Protection Act. Copyright & trademarks. A federal law to discourage counter-feiting of trademarks and copyrighted merchandise such as computer programs, phonorecords, and motion pictures. • The law imposes criminal liability for trafficking in counterfeit goods and services (18 USCA § 2318), provides for the seizure of counterfeit goods (15 USCA § 1116(d)(9)), and

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Merit Systems Protection Board

Merit Systems Protection Board 〈美〉功绩制保护委员会根据1978年《文官制改革法》〔Civil Service Reform Act〕设立,与人事管理局〔Office of Personnel Management〕一起取代1883年设立的美国文官委员会〔U.S. Civil Service Commission〕。对联邦政府僱员因受解雇、停职或降级等行政处分而申诉的案件进行听证、裁决;处理涉及重新就业权、不执行定期加薪制、控告行政法官和指控违反功绩制等的申诉案件。功绩制保护委员会对其作出的裁决有权强制执行、下达纠正令和给予纪律处分。僱员或就业申请者的可上诉的案件如又涉及对歧视的指控,可以就功绩制保护委员会的裁决向平等就业机会委员会〔Equal Employment Opportunity Commission〕申请复议。对功绩制保护委员会的最终裁决和命令还可以向美国联邦巡回上诉法院〔U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit〕提起上诉。

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technology administration

Technology Administration. A unit in the U.S. Department of Commerce responsible for working with industry on ways to use technology to stimulate economic growth. • The agency also carries out technology programs and disseminates information about technology. It has three offices: the Office of Technology Policy (OTP), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),

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protection money

protection money. 1. A bribe paid to an officer as an inducement not to interfere with the criminal activities of the briber. • Examples include payments to an officer in exchange for the officer’s releasing an arrestee, removing records of traffic violations from a court’s files, and refraining from making a proper arrest. [Cases: Bribery

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uniformed services former spouses’ protection act

Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act. A federal statute that governs the disposition of military pension benefits to former spouses of persons in the armed services.10 USCA §§ 1401 et seq. • The Act permits state courts to treat military-retirement pay as marital property and to order payment of up to 50% of the retirement

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