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deportatio (dee-por-tay-shee-oh), n. [fr. Latin deportare “to carry away”] Roman law. Permanent exile of a condemned criminal involving loss of citizenship and, usu., forfeiture of all property. Cf. RELEGATIO. “Deportatio. Perpetual banishment of a person condemned for a crime. It was the severest form of banishment since it included additional penalties, such as seizure of […]

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Extravagantes (ek-strav-[schwa]-gan-teez), n. pl.[Law Latin “wanderings”] Eccles. law. Papal constitutions and decretal epistles of Pope John XXII and certain of his successors. • These epistles were so called because they were not digested or arranged with the other papal decretals, but appeared detached from canon law. The term remained even after the epistles were later

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natural watercourse

A watercourse with its origin in the forces of nature. • A natural watercourse does not include surface water, which often flows intermittently and in an indefinite channel. In addition, a natural stream is distinguished from an artificial ditch or canal, which is typically not the subject of riparian rights. See RIPARIAN RIGHT; WATER. [Cases:

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draff (draf). Refuse; dregs; sweepings of dust and dirt. • In weighing commodities, it is not included as part of the waste allowance for goods sold by weight.

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markush doctrine

Markush doctrine (mahr-k[schwa]sh).Patents. An exception to the policy against the use of alternative language in claims, by which in certain claims (esp. those involving chemical components) a claimant can use an alternative, subgeneric phrase when there is no applicable, commonly accepted generic expression. • Characterized by a phrase such as “selected from the group consisting

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corporate name

The registered name under which a corporation conducts legal affairs such as suing, being sued, and paying taxes; the name that a corporation files with a state authority (usu. the secretary of state) as the name under which the corporation will conduct its affairs. • A corporate name usu. includes, and in many states is

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period of prescription

period of prescription. The period fixed by local law as sufficient for obtaining or extinguishing a right through lapse of time. • In addition to a fixed number of years, the period includes whatever further time is allowed by local law because of infancy, insanity, coverture, and other like circumstances. See PRESCRIPTIVE RIGHT; PRESCRIPTION(3), (4),

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trust indenture act

Trust Indenture Act. A federal law, enacted in 1939, designed to protect investors of certain types of bonds by requiring that (1) the SEC approve the trust indenture, (2) the indenture include certain protective clauses and exclude certain exculpatory clauses, and (3) the trustees be independent of the issuing company.15 USCA §§ 77aaa et seq.

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