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relations n. (1)关系 指一人与他人在特定范围内的交往。法律就是调整这些关系的,如夫妻关系、买卖双方的关系、僱主与僱员的关系等。 (2)亲属关系(→degrees of kinship; industrial relations; relative)

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gambling contract

An agreement to engage in a gamble; a contract in which two parties wager something, esp. money, for a chance to win a prize. • Where gambling is legal, contracts related to legal gambling activities are enforceable. — Also termed gaming contract. See wagering contract. [Cases: Gaming 25.]

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cognizor (kog-ni-z[schwa]r or -zor). Hist. The grantor of land in a conveyance by fine. — Also termed conusor; conuzor. See FINE(1). “Next comes the concord, or agreement itself, after leave obtained from the court; which is usually an acknowledgment … that the lands in question are the right of the complainant. And from this acknowledgment,

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gain, n. 1. An increase in amount, degree, or value. pecuniary gain. 1. A gain of money or of something having monetary value. 2. Criminal law. Any monetary or economic gain that serves as an impetus for the commission of an offense. • In most states, an offense and its punishment are aggravated if the

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