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portioner (por-sh[schwa]-n[schwa]r), n. 1. Scots law. One who owns a portion of a decedent’s estate. heir portioner. 1. One of two or more female heirs who, in the absence of male heirs, inherit equal shares of an estate. 2. One of two or more usu. female heirs in the same degree who take equal shares […]

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heralds’ college

Heralds’ College. A royal corporation responsible in England for granting and recording armorial insignia and genealogies, and for dealing with matters of precedence. • The College was founded by Richard III in 1484, is governed by the Earl Marshal, and consists of three kings of arms, six heralds, and four pursuivants. The heralds’ books, based

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locus poenitentiae

locus poenitentiae (loh-k[schwa]s pen-[schwa]-ten-shee-ee). [Latin “place of repentance”] 1. A point at which it is not too late for one to change one’s legal position; the possibility of withdrawing from a contemplated course of action, esp. a wrong, before being committed to it. “The requirement of an overt act before conspirators can be prosecuted and

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drilling contract

Oil & gas. A well-drilling agreement between a drilling contractor, who owns drilling rigs and associated equipment, and the owner or lessor of the mineral rights. • The contract spells out the rights and duties of the parties. In general, the more control the interest-owner retains over the contractor, the more liability the owner is

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separate property

separate property. 1. Property that a spouse owned before marriage or acquired during marriage by inheritance or by gift from a third party, and in some states property acquired during marriage but after the spouses have entered into a separation agreement and have begun living apart or after one spouse has commenced a divorce action.

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shrink wrap license

A license printed on the outside of a software package to advise the buyer that by opening the package, the buyer becomes legally bound to abide by the terms of the license. • Shrink-wrap licenses usu. seek to (1) prohibit users from making unauthorized copies of the software, (2) prohibit modifications to the software, (3)

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margin, n. 1. A boundary or edge. 2. A measure or degree of difference. 3. PROFIT MARGIN. 4. The difference between a loan’s face value and the market value of the collateral that secures the loan. 5. Cash or collateral required to be paid to a securities broker by an investor to protect the broker

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