Search Results for: GREE

bounty hunter

bounty hunter. A person who for a fee pursues someone charged with or suspected of a crime; esp., a person hired by a bail-bond company to find and arrest a criminal defendant who has breached the bond agreement by failing to appear in court as ordered. — Also termed bail-enforcement agent.

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conventio (k[schwa]n-ven-shee-oh). [fr. Latin convenire “to come together”] 1. Eccles. law. The act of con-vening the parties to an action by summoning the defendant. 2. Hist. An agreement or convention; an agreement between two or more persons respecting a legal relation between them. See CONVENTION(1). “Conventio is a word much used both in Ancient and

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reciprocal dealing

reciprocal dealing. A business arrangement in which a buyer having greater economic power than a seller agrees to buy something from the seller only if the seller buys something in return. • Reciprocal dealing usu. violates antitrust laws. — Also termed reciprocal-dealing arrangement. Cf. TYING ARRANGEMENT.

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facio ut des

facio ut des (fay-shee-oh [schwa]t deez). [Latin “I do so that you give”] Civil law. 1. An innominate contract in which a person agrees to do something for recompense. See innominate contract under CONTRACT. 2. The consideration in such a contract.

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implied condition

A condition that is not expressly mentioned, but is imputed by law from the nature of the transaction or the conduct of the parties to have been tacitly understood between them as a part of the agreement. See constructive condition; implied-in-fact condition. [Cases: Contracts 220. C.J.S. Contracts § 355.]

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property settlement

property settlement. 1. A judgment in a divorce case determining the distribution of the marital property between the divorcing parties. • A property settlement includes a division of the marital debts as well as assets. — Also termed property division; division of property. [Cases: Husband and Wife 248.] 2. A contract that divides up the

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