Search Results for: TEC

Garmon preemption

Labor law. A doctrine prohibiting state and local regulation of activities that are actually or arguably (1) protected by the National Labor Relations Act’s rules relating to the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively, or (2) prohibited by the National Labor Relations Act’s provision that governs unfair labor practices. San Diego Bldg. Trades

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audio home recording act

Audio Home Recording Act. Copyright. A 1992 federal law designed to prevent copyright-infringement suits based on the manufacture, importation, distribution, or sale of digital-audio technology. • Manufacturers of digital recording devices must pay royalties on sales of the devices and related media, and build security mechanisms into each device. The security mechanisms allow the owner

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expilatio (eks-p[schwa]-lay-shee-oh), n. [Latin] Roman law. The offense of unlawfully appropriating goods belonging to a succession. • This offense was not technically theft (furtum) because the property belonged to neither the decedent nor an heir, since the latter had not yet taken possession. Pl. expilationes (eks-p[schwa]-lay-shee-oh-neez).

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entertainment law

entertainment law. The field of law dealing with the legal and business issues in the entertainment industry (such as film, music, and theater), and involving the representation of artists and producers, the negotiation of contracts, and the protection of intellectual-property rights.

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interdiction. 1. The act of forbidding or restraining. interdiction of commercial intercourse. Int’l law. A governmental prohibition of commercial trade. 2. The interception and seizure of something, esp. contraband. 3. Civil law. The act of depriving a person of the right to handle his or her own affairs because of mental incapacity. See EX CAPITE

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berne plus

Berne-plus, adj. Copyright. Of or relating to a copyright-treaty provision that affords greater intellectual-property protection than the minimum required by the Berne Convention, either by granting stronger rights or by extending protection to new forms of subject matter. • The term arose during negotiations over the TRIPs Agreement, reflecting the principle that the treaty should

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personal representative

A person who manages the legal affairs of another because of incapacity or death, such as the executor of an estate. • Technically, while an executor is a personal representative named in a will, an administrator is a personal representative not named in a will. — Also termed independent personal representative; legal representative. [Cases: Executors

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