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full warranty

A warranty that fully covers labor and materials for repairs. • Under federal law, the warrantor must remedy the consumer product within a reasonable time and without charge after notice of a defect or malfunction. 15 USCA § 2304. See MAGNUSON–MOSS WARRANTY ACT. Cf. limited warranty. [Cases: Consumer Pro-tection 6; Sales 279. C.J.S. Credit Reporting […]

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restrictive principle of sovereign immunity

restrictive principle of sovereign immunity. The doctrine by which a foreign nation’s immunity does not apply to claims arising from the nation’s private or commercial acts, but protects the nation only from claims arising from its public functions. See COMMERCIAL-ACTIVITY EXCEPTION; JURE GESTIONIS; JURE IMPERII . [Cases: International Law 10.33. C.J.S. International Law §§ 46–48.]

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free ride

free ride. A benefit obtained without paying a fair price. • For example, a competitor who used aerial photographs of a plant-construction site to discover secret manufacturing techniques was judicially criticized for getting a free ride, in contrast to others who might spend time and effort legally reverse-engineering the same techniques.

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homage n. 臣服;臣服礼 这是封臣接受领主封赠时向领主所必须行的大礼,是封建契约关系建立的重要仪式。臣服礼在封臣与领主之间建立起了一种依附关系,依此,封臣要履行协助领主的义务,而领主则要保护封臣,包括在武力和诉讼两方面。违反臣服礼的义务则被视为十恶不赦的犯罪,起初是重罪的主要部分。臣服礼的仪式是:封臣跪在领主面前,将双手放于领主双手之间,用诺曼法语说:「从今往后,我将怀着无比崇敬的心情终我一身完全臣服于您,蒙您恩惠保有地产,故将对您忠贞不渝。」臣服包括如下几种:绝对臣服〔liege homage〕、简易臣服〔homagium planum〕、相对臣服〔homagium simplex〕、世代臣服〔homagium antecessorium〕等。随着王权的加强,对普通领主的臣服渐趋衰微,地产法中的财产性因素取代了人身性义务变得重要起来,对国王的效忠也取得了优先地位。另外,臣服礼只能面对领主本人作出,但效忠〔fealty〕则可向领主的管家或执行管家作出。臣服于1660年被取消,而效忠仍沿袭下来。 (→fealty)

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pioneer patent

A patent covering a function or a major technological advance never before performed, a wholly novel device, or subject matter of such novelty and importance as to mark a distinct step in the progress of the art, as distinguished from a mere improvement or perfection of what had gone before. • Under U.S. law, the

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novelty. 1. Trade secrets. The newness of information that is generally unused or unknown and that gives its owner a competitive advantage in a business field. • In the law of trade secrets, novelty does not require independent conception or even originality. A rediscovered technique with marketable applications can qualify as a novelty and be

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