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obnoxious, adj. 1. Offensive; objectionable (obnoxious behavior). 2. Contrary; opposed (a practice obnoxious to the principle of equal protection under the law). 3. Archaic. Exposed to harm; liable to something undesirable (actions obnoxious to criticism).

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imperium (im-peer-ee-[schwa]m), n. [Latin] Roman law. Power or dominion; esp., the legal authority wielded by superior magistrates under the Republic, and later by the emperor under the Empire. • Imperium implied the right of military command, and the powers of corporal punishment, and of life and death over citizens. It was symbolized by the lictors

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national treatment

national treatment. Intellectual property. The policy or practice of a country that accords the citizens of other countries the same intellectual-property protection as it gives its own citizens, with no formal treaty of reciprocity required. • The principle of national treatment underlay the first international intellectual-property treaties in the 19th century, the Paris and Berne

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intervening cause

An event that comes between the initial event in a sequence and the end result, thereby altering the natural course of events that might have connected a wrongful act to an injury. • If the intervening cause is strong enough to relieve the wrongdoer of any liability, it becomes a superseding cause. A dependent intervening

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Copyright. 1. The quality or state of being the product of independent creation and having a minimum degree of creativity. • Originality is a requirement for copyright protection. But this is a lesser standard than that of novelty in patent law: to be original, a work does not have to be novel or unique. Cf.

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consecratio capitis

consecratio capitis (kon-s[schwa]-kray-shee-oh kap-i-tis). [Latin “consecrating the body”] Roman law. The act of declaring a wrongdoer an outlaw who could be killed on sight; the punishing of criminal behavior by re-legating an offender to the gods, i.e., leaving the person outside divine and human protection. See SACER; OUTLAWRY.

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