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provisions of oxford

Provisions of Oxford. Hist. During the reign of Henry III, a constitution created by the Mad Parliament and forming the King’s advisory council that met with a group of barons several times a year to handle the country’s affairs and resolve grievances, esp. those resulting from the King’s avoidance of his obligations under Magna Carta. […]

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bad man theory

bad-man theory. The jurisprudential doctrine or belief that a bad person’s view of the law represents the best test of what the law actually is because that person will carefully calculate precisely what the rules allow and operate up to the rules’ limits. • This theory was first espoused by Oliver Wendell Holmes in his

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statement of facts

statement of facts. A party’s written presentation of the facts leading up to or surrounding a legal dispute, usu. recited toward the beginning of a brief. “The statement of facts is another of those critical parts of the brief …. Two principles are at war in drafting the statement of facts. First, judges want and

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diplomatic agent

A national representative in one of four categories: (1) ambassadors, (2) envoys and ministers plenipotentiary, (3) ministers resident accredited to the sovereign, or (4) chargés d’affaires accredited to the mi-nister of foreign affairs. [Cases: Ambassadors and Consuls 1–8. C.J.S. Ambassadors and Consuls §§ 2–32.]

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child application

A later-filed application in a chain of continuing applications filed during the pendency of an earlier application and sharing common subject matter. • The first-filed application is called the parent application. Cf. parent application. [Cases: Patents 110. C.J.S. Patents § 156.]

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