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code civil

Code Civil. The code embodying the civil law of France, dating from 1804. • It was first known as the Code civil des français to distinguish it from the other four codes promoted by Napoleon. From 1807 to 1816 it was called Code Napoléon, a title that was restored by a decree of Louis Napoleon.

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pioneer patent

A patent covering a function or a major technological advance never before performed, a wholly novel device, or subject matter of such novelty and importance as to mark a distinct step in the progress of the art, as distinguished from a mere improvement or perfection of what had gone before. • Under U.S. law, the

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novelty. 1. Trade secrets. The newness of information that is generally unused or unknown and that gives its owner a competitive advantage in a business field. • In the law of trade secrets, novelty does not require independent conception or even originality. A rediscovered technique with marketable applications can qualify as a novelty and be

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dying without issue

dying without issue 无嗣而亡 死者生前或亡后无子女而殁。在普通法上指无限定的无子女而不是指遗嘱继承或遗赠的第一位接受者〔first taker〕在死亡时无生存子女。但该规则已为许多判例所改变。美国一些州主张「dying without issue」一类词语意指当事人死亡时,而非无限定的无子女。若依上下文,立遗嘱者的意思是,在立遗嘱者生存期间,第一位接受者死亡时无子女的,第二位接受者应取代其位子,以防止因懈怠而丧失权利,此处「死而无子女」则指在立遗嘱人生存期间无子女。

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occupant. 1. One who has possessory rights in, or control over, certain property or premises. 2. One who acquires title by occupancy. general occupant. A person who occupies land in the interim arising after the death of a pur autre vie tenant but before the death of the person who serves as the measuring life

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code de commerce

Code de commerce (kohd d[schwa] kaw-mairs). A codification of French commercial law, enacted in 1807, dealing with commercial transactions, bankruptcy, and the jurisdiction and procedure of the courts handling these subjects. • This code supplemented the Code Napoléon. See NAPOLEONIC CODE.

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decretum (di-kree-t[schwa]m), n. [Latin “a decision having mandatory force”] 1. Roman law. A decision of a magistrate, esp. a judgment by the emperor at first instance or on appeal. • A decretum of the emperor was a type of imperial constitution. 2. Eccles. law. An ecclesiastical law, as distinguished from a secular law. Pl. decreta.

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