Search Results for: ERA

bare licensee

A licensee whose presence on the premises the occupier tolerates but does not necessarily approve, such as one who takes a shortcut across another’s land. — Also termed naked licensee; mere licensee. [Cases: Licenses 43. C.J.S. Easements § 9; Licenses § 88.]

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cognovit (kog-noh-vit). [Latin “he has conceded (a debt or an action)”] An acknowledgment of debt or liability in the form of a confessed judgment. • Formerly, credit contracts often included a cognovit clause in which the consumer relinquished, in advance, any right to be notified of court hearings in any suit for nonpayment — but

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lying in wait

lying in wait. Criminal law. The series of acts involved in watching, waiting for, and hiding from someone, with the intent of killing or inflicting serious bodily injury on that person. • Because lying in wait shows premeditation and deliberation, it can result in an increased sentence.

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american bureau of shipping

American Bureau of Shipping. An organization of marine underwriters, shipbuilders, and marine carriers charged with conducting research, technological development, officer training, and standards of building, maintaining, and operating seagoing vessels and stationary offshore facilities. • The organization was founded in 1862 as the American Shipbuilders’ Association. Its name was changed in 1898, and it was

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port. 1. A harbor where ships load and unload cargo. [Cases: Navigable Waters 14. C.J.S. Navigable Waters § 37.] 2. Any place where persons and cargo are allowed to enter a country and where customs officials are stationed. — Also termed (in sense 2) port of entry. foreign port. 1. One exclusively within the jurisdiction

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margin requirement

margin requirement. Securities. The percentage of the purchase price that a buyer must deposit with a broker to buy a security on margin. • This percentage of the purchase price is set and adjusted by the Federal Reserve Board. [Cases: Securities Regulation 45.11.] “Margin requirements are the statutory and administrative restrictions placed upon the percentage

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carryback. Tax. An income-tax deduction (esp. for a net operating loss) that cannot be taken entirely in a given period but may be taken in an earlier period (usu. the previous three years). — Also termed loss carryback; tax-loss carryback. Cf. CARRYOVER. [Cases: Internal Revenue 3438; Taxation 1043. C.J.S. Taxation § 1752.]

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