Search Results for: ERA

full faith and credit for child–support orders act

Full Faith and Credit for Child-Support Orders Act. A 1994 federal statute designed to facilitate interstate child-support collection. • Under the Act, the state first issuing a child-support order maintains continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify the order as long as the child or one or both of the litigants continue to reside there, unless all […]

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administrative office of the united states courts

Administrative Office of the United States Courts. An office in the judicial branch of the federal government responsible for administering the nonjudicial business of the federal courts (except the Supreme Court), disbursing funds, collecting statistics, fixing certain salaries, and purchasing supplies and equipment. • Created in 1939, the Office is supervised by the Judicial Conference

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insecurity clause

insecurity clause. A loan-agreement provision that allows the creditor to demand immediate and full payment of the loan balance if the creditor has reason to believe that the debtor is about to default, as when the debtor suddenly loses a significant source of income. Cf. ACCELERATION CLAUSE. [Cases: Bills and Notes 129(1); Secured Transactions 221.

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precept (pree-sept). 1. A standard or rule of conduct; a command or principle ( several legal precepts govern here). [Cases: Courts 87–100. C.J.S. Courts §§ 135–136, 139–164, 166–169; Trade-Marks, Trade-Names, and Unfair Competition§ 187.] 2. A writ or warrant issued by an authorized person demanding another’s action, such as a judge’s order to an officer

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spousal allowance

A portion of a decedent’s estate set aside by statute for a surviving spouse, regardless of any testamentary disposition or competing claims. • This allowance is superior to the claims of general creditors. In some states, it is even preferred to the expenses of administration, funeral, and last illness of the spouse. — Also termed

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farmer. A person engaged in the business of farming. family farmer. A person or entity whose income and debts primarily arise from a family-owned and -operated farm; esp., person who received more than 80% of gross income from a farm in the taxable year immediately preceding a Chapter 12 filing. • Only a family farmer

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obscenity, n. 1. The characteristic or state of being morally abhorrent or socially taboo, esp. as a result of referring to or depicting sexual or excretory functions. [Cases: Constitutional Law 82(10), 90.4; Obscenity 1. C.J.S. Constitutional Law §§ 464, 546, 631, 635–637, 639, 644, 646–648; Obscenity§§ 1–8.] 2. Something (such as an expression or act)

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