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legalism, n. 1. Formalism carried almost to the point of meaninglessness; an inclination to exalt the importance of law or formulated rules in any area of action. “What is legalism? It is the ethical attitude that holds moral conduct to be a matter of rule following, and moral relationships to consist of duties and rights […]

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residual, adj. Of, relating to, or constituting a residue; remaining; leftover (a residual claim) (a residual functional disability). residual, n. 1. A leftover quantity; a remainder. 2. (often pl.) A disability remaining after an illness, injury, or operation. 3. (usu. pl.) A fee paid to a composer or performer for each repeated broadcast (esp. on

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pierringer release

Pierringer release. A release agreement in which the plaintiff releases a codefendant but reserves the right to proceed against the other defendants. • Under this release, the plaintiff agrees to reduce the claim against the remaining defendants by the amount of consideration paid for the release. The term derives from Pierringer v. Hoger, 124 N.W.2d

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National Debt Commissioners

National Debt Commissioners 〈英〉国家债务委员会 全称为联合王国减少国家债务委员会〔Commission for the Reduction of the National Debt of the United Kingdom〕,由下列人员组成:下议院议长〔Speaker of the House of Commons〕,财政大臣〔Chancellor of the Exchequer〕,掌卷法官〔Master of the Rolls〕,首席大法官〔Lord Chief Justice〕,最高法院会计官〔Accountant-General of the Supreme Court〕,英格兰银行总裁和副总裁〔Governor and Deputy-Governor of the Bank of England〕。该委员会的职责由国家债务局审计长〔Comptroller-General of the National Debt Office〕负责执行。

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National Aeronautics and Space Act

A 1958 federal statute that created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a civilian agency of the federal government whose functions include conducting space research, improving aeronautical travel, building manned and unmanned space vehicles, developing operational space programs, and engaging in other space activities devoted to peaceful purposes for the benefit of all humankind.

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highway. 1. Broadly, any main route on land, on water, or in the air. 2. A free and public roadway or street that every person may use. [Cases: Highways 18.] “Every thoroughfare which is used by the public, and is, in the language of the English books, ‘common to all the king’s subjects,’ is a

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