Search Results for: DAMAGE

punitive damages

Damages awarded in addition to actual damages when the defendant acted with recklessness, malice, or deceit; specif., damages assessed by way of penalizing the wrongdoer or making an example to others. • Punitive damages, which are intended to punish and thereby deter blameworthy conduct, are generally not recoverable for breach of contract. The Supreme Court

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enhanced damages

enhanced damages (1)累积损害赔偿金 在依普通法可获的损害赔偿金之外,可获准的制定法损害赔偿金。又作accumulative damages。 (2) (专利法)惩罚性损害赔偿金 指以被告行为的严重性及其侵权的故意为依据,法院在侵犯专利权的案件中,运用自由裁量权,判令被告支付三倍于补偿性损害赔偿〔compensatory damages〕的赔偿金。

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