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citizen, n. 1. A person who, by either birth or naturalization, is a member of a political community, owing allegiance to the community and being entitled to enjoy all its civil rights and protections; a member of the civil state, entitled to all its privileges. Cf. RESIDENT; DOMICILIARY. [Cases: Citizens 1. C.J.S. Citizens §§ 7, […]

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taking, n. 1. Criminal & tort law. The act of seizing an article, with or without removing it, but with an implicit transfer of possession or control. constructive taking. An act that does not equal an actual appropriation of an article but that does show an intention to convert it, as when a person entrusted

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cautio (kaw-shee-oh), n. [Latin “security”] Roman & civil law. 1. Security usu. given to ensure the performance of an obligation. See BAIL(1); BOND(2). 2. A surety. Pl. cautiones (kaw-shee-oh-neez). cautio fidejussoria (kaw-shee-oh fI-dee-y[schwa]-sor-ee-[schwa]). [Latin] Security given by a third party in a contract of fidejussio. See FIDEJUSSION. cautio judicatum solvi (kaw-shee-oh joo-di-kay-t[schwa]m sol-vI). [Latin] A

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heirloom. 1. An item of personal property that by local custom, contrary to the usual legal rule, descends to the heir along with the inheritance, instead of passing to the executor or administrator of the last owner. • Traditional examples are an ancestor’s suit of armor, family portraits, title deeds, and keys. Blackstone gave a

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covenant for title

A covenant that binds the grantor to ensure the completeness, security, and continuance of the title transferred. • This covenant usu. includes the covenants for seisin, against encumbrances, for the right to convey, for quiet enjoyment, and of warranty. [Cases: Covenants 38–48, 62–67. C.J.S. Covenants §§ 14–24, 29, 46–47.]

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member. 1. Parliamentary law. One of the individuals of whom an organization or a deliberative assembly consists, and who enjoys the full rights of participating in the organization — including the rights of making, debating, and voting on motions — except to the extent that the organization reserves those rights to certain classes of membership.

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withdraw, vb. 1. (vt.) To take back (something presented, granted, enjoyed, possessed, or allowed) (withdraw blame). 2. (vt.) To retract (one’s words) (withdraw the objection). 3. (vt.) To refrain from prosecuting or proceeding with (an action) (withdraw the petition for divorce). 4. (vi.) (Of a lawyer) to terminate one’s representation of a client before a

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burden, n. 1. A duty or responsibility (the seller’s burden to insure the shipped goods). 2. Something that hinders or oppresses (a burden on interstate commerce). 3. A restriction on the use or value of land; an encumbrance (the easement created a burden on the estate). 4. Scots law. An encumbrance, restriction, or obligation imposed

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