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devilling n. 〈英〉 (1)代理办案 指一名出庭律师将案情摘要〔brief〕移交给另一名出庭律师,以便其代理前者出庭办理案件,就好像该摘要是由其自己制作的一样。 (2)办案协助 指一名出庭律师为另一名已被当事人聘请为代理人并向其介绍了案情的出庭律师起草诉状、律师意见书等文书,由后者审核并签署。

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enrolled bill rule

enrolled bill rule 〈美〉已归档的法案规则 依此规则,凡已交存州务卿或国务卿〔Secretary of State〕的法案,应认为绝对真实可靠,其内容与立法机关原本通过的内容无异。法院不得凌驾其上,无权判定法案内容的真实性以及法案表达是否符合成文法规定。该原则同样适合这样的情况:在选举是否符合成文法仍存在争议的时候,一旦被法律批准且举行,那么就不能再对投票的步骤或法定程序提出异议。

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lost will

An executed will that cannot be found at the testator’s death. • Its contents can be proved by parol evidence in many jurisdictions. The common-law presumption — still the view of the overwhelming majority of American jurisdictions — is that there is a presumption of revocation if a lost will is proved to have been

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merrill doctrine

Merrill doctrine. The principle that the government cannot be estopped from disavowing an agent’s unauthorized act. Federal Crop Ins. Corp. v. Merrill, 332 U.S. 380, 68 S.Ct. 1 (1947). [Cases: Estoppel 62; United States 60. C.J.S. Estoppel §§ 168–176, 188; United States § 109.]

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