Search Results for: ILL

parliamentary will

Slang. The legislation that governs the distribution of an intestate’s property. • The term arose because the legislature effectively makes an intestate’s will by passing statutes regulating descent and distribution. The terms of the parliamentary will are gathered from the statutes in effect when the intestate died.

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illusory trust

illusory trust 虚假信托 指财产托管人在形式上宣布将其财产进行信托或交付给第三人,但在本质上仍由其对信托财产进行控制而并无放弃其权利之意图,这种信托因其虚假而属无效。也指某一类信托安排,它虽具信托的形式,但因其权力仍在于受托人,故在本质上不属于完全意义的信托。

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duplicate will

A will executed in duplicate originals by a testator who retains one copy and gives the second copy to another person. • The rules applicable to wills apply to both wills, and upon application for probate, both copies must be tendered into the registry of the probate court. [Cases: Wills 175. C.J.S. Wills §§ 395,

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no bill

no bill 不予起诉 这是大陪审团〔grand jury〕认为证据不足时,在检察官的起诉书背面批写的字句,以前常写ignoramus一词,现在则通常写no bill, not a true bill, no true bill或not found。意思是「查无实据,不予起诉」。相反,如果大陪审团认为「查明属实,应予起诉」,则在检察官的起诉书背面批写「true bill」。 (→ignoramus)

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