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first degree murder

Murder that is willful, deliberate, or premeditated, or that is committed during the course of another dangerous felony. • All murder perpetrated by poisoning or by lying in wait is considered first-degree murder. All types of murder not involving willful, deliberate, and premeditated killing are usu. considered second-degree murder. — Also termed murder of the […]

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First President

First President 〈法〉首席院长 法兰西国王任命的高级司法官员,为巴黎高等法院〔parlement of Paris〕的真正首脑,他在全体法官出席庭审时主持审判,并在大法官缺席时在一些仪式性的场合作主持。他长期担任御前会议的重要成员,具有重要的司法职能。

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Legal Affairs Manual

Legal Affairs Manual 〈美〉法律事务手册 从1976年秋季,由法学院招生委员会〔Law School Admission Council〕和美国法学院协会〔Association of American Law Schools/A.A.L.S.〕联合出版。手册内容包括联邦制定法和条例对法学院开办的影响、分析一些特别的联邦制定法和条例对法学院的影响,以及建议法学院可以如何应对的备忘录、相关的联邦制定法和条例、简述对法律教育有特殊意义的联邦和州判例的诉讼公报。该手册及其增补本对法学院招生委员会的会员,包括A.A.L.S.的全体会员免费发送。

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last in first out

last-in, first-out. An accounting method that assumes that the most recent purchases are sold or used first, matching current costs against current revenues. — Abbr. LIFO. Cf. FIRST-IN, FIRST-OUT; NEXT-IN, FIRST-OUT. [Cases: Internal Revenue 3105. 1. C.J.S. Internal Revenue §§ 27–29, 31–33.]

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conveyor’s heirs

conveyor’s heirs 出让人的继承者(原则) 依据普通法,当一项剩余地产权被限定给地产出让人的继承人时,后者并不是以剩余地产之性质接受它,相反,该权利被视为是出让人的回复地产权,这样上述继承人一旦接受,即是以继承而非购买方式获得。这被认为是为继承人创设了更有价值的权利。 (→worthier title doctrine)

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fault first method

fault-first method. A means by which to apply a settlement credit to a jury verdict, by first reducing the amount of the verdict by the percentage of the plaintiff’s comparative fault, then subtracting from the remainder the amount of any settlements the plaintiff has received on the claim. See SETTLEMENT CREDIT . Cf. SETTLEMENT-FIRST METHOD.

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lawful heirs

lawful heirs 法定继承人 指根据无遗嘱遗产继承法的规定,有权接受无遗嘱死亡者财产,尤其是死者不动产的人。因其非根据遗嘱,而是依照法律规定享有遗产继承权,故得名。它相当于狭义的「heir」。 (→heir(s); next of kin)

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