Search Results for: RESCRIPT


fair, adj. 1. Impartial; just; equitable; disinterested (everyone thought that Judge Jones was fair). 2. Free of bias or prejudice (in jury selection, the lawyers tried to select a fair and impartial jury). fair, n. Hist. A privileged market for the buying and selling of goods. • A fair was an incorporeal hereditament granted to

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de non decimando

de non decimando (dee non des-[schwa]-man-doh), n. [Law Latin “of not paying tithes”] Eccles. law. A claim for release from paying a tithe. — Also termed modus de non decimando. “A prescription de non decimando is a claim to be entirely discharged of tithes, and to pay no compensation in lieu of them. Thus the

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adnotatio (ad-noh-tay-shee-oh), n. [Latin] Roman law. A note written in the margin of a document; esp., the reply of the emperor in his own hand to a petition addressed to him. Pl. adnotationes (ad-noh-tay-shee-oh-neez). See RESCRIPT(3).

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fishery. 1. A right or liberty of taking fish. • Fishery was an incorporeal hereditament under old English law. — Also termed piscary. [Cases: Fish 3.] free fishery. An exclusive right of fishery, existing by grant or prescription from the monarch, to take fish in public water such as a river or an arm of

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just title

In a case of prescription, a title that the possessor received from someone whom the possessor honestly believed to be the real owner, provided that the title was to transfer ownership of the property. [Cases: Adverse Possession 69. C.J.S. Adverse Possession §§ 66, 73, 75, 103, 105.]

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