Search Results for: RESCRIPT


legality. 1. Strict adherence to law, prescription, or doctrine; the quality of being legal. 2. The principle that a person may not be prosecuted under a criminal law that has not been previously published. — Also termed (in sense 2) principle of legality.

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natural possession

natural possession (罗马法)自然占有 指不受市民法保护的事实占有,即对某物实施物理上的控制或支配,如以进住房屋或耕种农田的方式进行占有。自然占有可以是无权占有,可以产生非法占有的请求权,也可以因取得时效〔acquisitive prescription〕而产生所有权请求权。类似于后来的实际占有〔corporeal possession〕,与民法占有〔possessio civilis〕相对。 (=possessio naturalis)

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tempus (tem-p[schwa]s), n. [Latin] Hist. Time; a specified duration. tempus continuum (tem-p[schwa]s k[schwa]n-tin-yoo-[schwa]m), n. [Latin] Hist. Time continuing without interruption; a continuous period. tempus deliberandi (tem-p[schwa]s di-lib-[schwa]-ran-dI), n. [Latin] Hist. The period allowed for deliberation; esp., the time during which an heir could consider whether to accept or reject an inheritance. Cf. JUS DELIBERANDI. tempus

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orphan drug

A prescription drug developed to treat diseases affecting fewer than 200,000 people in the United States (such as a rare cancer) or whose developmental costs are not reasonably expected to be recovered from the drug’s sales. 21 USCA § 360bb. [Cases: Health 319.]

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valens agere

valens agere (vay-lenz aj-[schwa]r-ee). [Law Latin] Hist. Able to act. “A person is said to be valens agere when, from age and position, he is able to protect his rights against the invasion of them by others: against such a person not protecting his rights prescription runs, while prescription does not run against one who

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