Search Results for: ERA


blurring, n. Trademarks. A form of dilution in which goodwill in a famous mark is eroded through the mark’s unauthorized use by others on or in connection with dissimilar products or services. • Blurring is one type of dilution that is actionable under the Federal Trademark Dilution Act, 15 USCA § 1125(c) (the court found

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indicator. Securities. An average or index that shows enough of a correlation to market trends or economic conditions that it can help analyze market performance. coincident indicator. An economic or market-activity index or indicator that shows changing trends near the same time that overall conditions begin to change. economic indicator. See ECONOMIC INDICATOR. lagging indicator.

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first blush rule

first-blush rule. The common-law principle that allows a court to set aside a verdict as excessive because the verdict causes the mind to immediately conclude that it resulted from passion or prejudice on the part of the jury. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 2345; New Trial 77(2).C.J.S. New Trial §§ 101, 103.]

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legal secretary

legal secretary. An employee in a law office whose responsibilities include typing legal documents and correspondence, keeping records and files, and performing other duties supportive of the employer’s law practice. • Legal secretaries are usu. more highly skilled, and therefore more highly compensated, than secretaries in general business.

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surface transportation board

Surface Transportation Board. A unit in the U.S. Department of Transportation responsible for the economic regulation of interstate surface transportation, primarily railroads. • Its jurisdiction includes railroad-rate and -service issues, railroad-company mergers and related labor matters; certain truck and ocean shipping rates; certain intercity bus-company structures; and certain pipeline matters not regulated by the Federal

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sistership exclusion

A provision in some commercial general liability policies, excluding coverage for damages arising from the withdrawal, inspection, repair, replacement, or loss of use of the insured’s product or work, to the extent that the product or work is withdrawn or recalled from the market because of a known or suspected defect or deficiency. — Also

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locus sigilli

locus sigilli (loh-k[schwa]s si-jil-I), n. [Latin] The place of the seal. • Today this phrase is almost always abbreviated “L.S.” These are the traditional letters appearing on many notarial certificates to indicate where the notary public’s embossed seal should be placed. If a rubber-stamp seal is used, it should be placed near but not over

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