Search Results for: ERA

governmental plan

Under ERISA, an employee benefit plan established or maintained for its employees by the federal government, state or local governments, or their agencies or instrumentalities. 29 USCA § 1002(32). • If a collective-bargaining agreement between a labor union and a governmental entity includes a benefit plan, that plan may be a governmental plan if it

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plagiarism. The deliberate and knowing presentation of another person’s original ideas or creative expressions as one’s own. • Generally, plagiarism is immoral but not illegal. If the expression’s creator gives unrestricted permission for its use and the user claims the expression as original, the user commits plagiarism but does not violate copyright laws. If the

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pleading n. (1)诉讼文件;诉状 诉讼当事人交替向法庭及对方提交的书面文件,以提出诉讼请求、陈述诉讼理由或进行答辩。旧时普通法诉讼中的诉状包括原告的起诉状〔declaration〕、被告的答辩状〔plea〕、原告的答辩状〔replication〕、被告的次轮答辩状〔rejoinder〕、原告的次轮答辩状〔surrejoinder〕、被告的三轮答辩状〔rebutter〕、原告的三轮答辩状〔surrebutter〕。衡平法诉讼中的诉状包括原告的起诉状〔bill of complaint〕、被告的各种答辩状〔demurrer, plea, answer or disclaimer〕或其混合形式、原告的答辩状〔replication〕等。目前在英国高等法院的诉讼程序中,起诉状、被告答辩状及原告答辩状分别称为statement of claim, statement of defence和reply,其后的诉状仍旧沿用普通法诉讼中的名称。在美国,普通法上严格的诉状体系已大大得到简化,其作用也已大大降低,对事实及争议点的限定通过披露程序〔discovery〕及审前会议〔pretrial conference〕完成。根据《联邦民事诉讼程序规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕,诉状包括起诉状〔complaint〕、答辩状〔answer〕、反诉答辩状〔reply to a counterclaim〕、交叉诉讼答辩状〔answer to a cross-claim〕、第三方起诉状〔third party complaint〕及第三方答辩状〔third party answer〕。在诉讼过程中提交或使用的申请书〔motions〕、律师辩论意见书〔briefs〕、宣誓书〔affidavits〕等属于广泛意义上的法庭文件〔court papers〕,而不属于诉状。 (2)诉答;诉答程序确定和缩小诉讼争点〔issues〕范围的程序,当事人在此阶段通过提交正式书状来阐明其各自的主张。 (3)诉答规则 规范和调整原告起诉和被告答辩的法律规则。 (4)撰写诉状的技巧;辩护术

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