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sea. 1. The ocean (on the sea). 2. A large landlocked part of the ocean; a large body of salt water smaller than a regular ocean (the Mediterranean Sea). 3. The ocean swell (a rough sea). 4. An extremely large or extended quantity (a sea of documents). free seas. See high seas. high seas. The

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credit bureau

credit bureau. An organization that compiles information on people’s creditworthiness and publishes it in the form of reports that are used chiefly by merchants and service providers who deal directly with customers. • The practices of credit bureaus are regulated by federal (and often state) law. Most bureaus are members of the Associated Credit Bureaus

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vergens ad inopiam

vergens ad inopiam (v[schwa]r-jenz ad in-oh-pee-[schwa]m), adj. [Latin “verging on poverty”] Civil law. Tending to become insolvent. “When a debtor is clearly vergens ad inopiam, a creditor may legally resort to certain measures, for the purpose of protecting his interests, which would not otherwise be competent to him. Thus if the debtor be bound under

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comstock law

Comstock law (kom-stok). An 1873 federal statute that tightened rules against mailing “obscene, lewd, or las-civious” books or pictures, as well as “any article or thing designed for the prevention of conception or procuring of abortions.” • Because of the intolerance that led to this statute, the law gave rise to an English word roughly

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College of Arms

College of Arms 〈英〉纹章院 根据1556年皇家特许令,由纹章院长官(嘉德,克拉伦斯克斯,诺雷和厄斯特)、宗谱纹章官(温莎、切斯特、兰开斯特、萨默塞特、约克及里士满)和纹章院属官合并而成。合并后,偶尔也委任特命宗谱纹章官和特命纹章院属官,但他们不是纹章院成员,仅执行礼仪性职责。1687年以前,纹章院长官的职责是出访英格兰和威尔士各郡,对所有有权被称为绅士或乡绅的人进行纹章、家谱登记。现在纹章院除了承担礼仪性职责外,主要从事向申请者授予纹章服、家系调查和受理申请人提出的贵族爵位要求等事务。(→herald)

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coal notice

coal notice. In Pennsylvania, a notice that must be included in deeds and other instruments relating to the sale of surface property (excepting mortgages or quitclaim deeds) detailing any severance of the ownership of coal under the land.

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superductio (s[y]oo-p[schwa]r-d[schwa]k-shee-oh), n. [Latin] Roman law. The obliteration of part of a will or other document by writing over something erased within it. Pl. superductiones (s[y]oo-p[schwa]r-d[schwa]k-shee-oh-neez).

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wear and tear

wear and tear. Deterioration caused by ordinary use; the depreciation of property resulting from its reasonable use (the tenant is not liable for normal wear and tear to the leased premises). — Also termed fair wear and tear; natural wear and tear. [Cases: Landlord and Tenant 55. C.J.S. Landlord and Tenant § 260.] “ ‘Fair

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