Comstock Law
Comstock Law 《考姆斯托克法》 1873年联邦法,加强禁止邮寄「淫猥」书籍、图片以及「任何避孕、有助流产的用品」。由于该法律的偏执,由此产生一个大致相当于「过分拘谨」〔prudery〕的新英语词comstockery。
Comstock Law 《考姆斯托克法》 1873年联邦法,加强禁止邮寄「淫猥」书籍、图片以及「任何避孕、有助流产的用品」。由于该法律的偏执,由此产生一个大致相当于「过分拘谨」〔prudery〕的新英语词comstockery。
Comstock law (kom-stok). An 1873 federal statute that tightened rules against mailing “obscene, lewd, or las-civious” books or pictures, as well as “any article or thing designed for the prevention of conception or procuring of abortions.” • Because of the intolerance that led to this statute, the law gave rise to an English word roughly