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malleus maleficarum

Malleus Maleficarum (mal-ee-[schwa]s mal-[schwa]-fi-kair-[schwa]m). [Latin “Hammer of Witches”] Hist. An encyclopedic work about demonology and witchcraft, prepared in 1486 by two Dominican friars (Heinrich Kraemer and Johann Sprenger) as part of their efforts to eradicate witchcraft in Germany. • The Malleus Maleficarum was based largely on folk beliefs, but it was relied on as an […]

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pure theory

pure theory. The philosophy of Hans Kelsen, in which he contends that a legal system must be “pure” — that is, self-supporting and not dependent on extralegal values. • Kelsen’s theory, set out in such works as General Theory of Law and the State (1945) and The Pure Theory of Law (1934), maintains that laws

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fingerprint, n. 1. The distinctive pattern of lines on a human fingertip (no two fingerprints are identical). [Cases: Criminal Law 475. 5.] 2. The impression of a fingertip made on any surface (the detective found several fingerprints on the knife). 3. An ink impression of the pattern of lines on a fingertip, usu. taken during

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railway rolling stock

railway rolling stock 〈英〉所有铁路车辆 1872年《铁路车辆保护法》〔Railway Rolling Stock Protection Act〕规定,业主的铁路车辆不得作为承租人的财产而受到扣押。1867年《铁路公司法》〔Railway Companies Act〕和1867年《(苏格兰)铁路公司法》〔Railway Compaines (Scotland) Act〕规定,所有铁路车辆免予被强制执行。

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domain name

domain name. The words and characters that website owners designate for their registered Internet addresses. • All domain names have at least two levels. The first-level domain name identifies the registrant’s category as, e.g., a commercial site (.com), a governmental institution (.gov), an educational institution (.edu), a nonprofit group (.org), or a discussion group (.net).

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formula. [Latin “set form of words”] 1. Roman law. A written document, prepared by a praetor and forwarded to a judex, identifying the issue to be tried and the judgment to be given by the judex. • It was based on model pleas formulated by the praetor in his edict and adapted by him or

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mock trial

mock trial. 1. A fictitious trial organized to allow law students, or sometimes lawyers, to practice the techniques of trial advocacy. 2. A fictitious trial, arranged by a litigant’s attorney, to assess trial strategy, to estimate the case’s value or risk, and to evaluate the case’s strengths and weaknesses. • In this procedure, people from

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de minimis test

de minimis test. Copyright. A judicial test for determining whether a contributor to a joint work is an author for legal purposes, based on whether the joint effort itself is an original expression that qualifies for copyright protection. • This test has been rejected in favor of the copyrightability test by most courts that have

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continued meeting

A meeting that will be or has been resumed after a recess (or a so-called adjournment, which may last for several days but is still technically a recess, since it does not end the meeting). • A continued meeting is technically not an “adjourned meeting,” and an “adjourned meeting” may also mean a meeting that

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