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negotiable, adj. 1. (Of a written instrument) capable of being transferred by delivery or indorsement when the transferee takes the instrument for value, in good faith, and without notice of conflicting title claims or defenses. [Cases: Bills and Notes 144. C.J.S. Bills and Notes; Letters of Credit§§ 127, 129–130, 143.] 2. (Of a deal, agreement, […]

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broadening of a claim

broadening of a claim. Patents. The enlargement of the scope of a patent claim to expand its coverage. • The broader a patent claim, the greater the scope of protection because more methods or devices may potentially infringe the claim. But drafting a claim broadly increases the risk that an accused infringer may successfully invalidate

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via regia

via regia (vI-[schwa] ree-jee-[schwa]). [Latin “the king’s highway”] Hist. The highway or common road — called the “king’s highway” because the king authorized and protected it.

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petition in bankruptcy

petition in bankruptcy. A formal written request, presented to a bankruptcy court, seeking protection for an insolvent debtor. • The debtor (in a voluntary bankruptcy) or the debtor’s creditors (in an involuntary bankruptcy) can file such a petition to initiate a bankruptcy proceeding. [Cases: Bankruptcy 2257, 2290. C.J.S. Bankruptcy §§ 51, 57.]

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relevant art

Patents. Art to which one can reasonably be expected to look for a solution to the problem that a patented device tries to solve. • The term includes not only knowledge about a problem in a particular industry, but also knowledge accumulated in scientific fields whose techniques have been commonly employed to solve similar problems.

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