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Mosaic Code

Mosaic Code 〈美〉《摩西法典》 新英格兰地区最早的立法汇编,由约翰·科顿〔John Cotton〕1636年应马萨诸塞州议会〔Massachusetts General Court〕之约而编纂。约翰·温思罗普〔John Winthrop〕称之为「士师摩西」〔Moses His Judicials〕,因它建立的政府框架与《摩西五经》〔Pentateuch〕相一致。事实上马萨诸塞州从未采用此法典,但它其中的一些条款为1639年《纽黑文殖民地基本规章》〔Fundamental Orders of New Haven Colony〕所吸收,而后者的规定较马萨诸塞州的组织形式更为严格神权化。

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police power

police power. 1. The inherent and plenary power of a sovereign to make all laws necessary and proper to preserve the public security, order, health, morality, and justice. • It is a fundamental power essential to government, and it cannot be surrendered by the legislature or irrevocably transferred away from government. [Cases: Constitutional Law 81.

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home owners warranty

Home Owners Warranty. A warranty and insurance program that, among other coverage, insures a new home for ten years against major structural defects. • The program was developed by the Home Owners Warranty Corporation, a subsidiary of the National Association of Home Builders. Builders often provide this type of coverage, and many states provide similar

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mutilation, n. 1. The act or an instance of rendering a document legally ineffective by subtracting or altering — but not completely destroying — an essential part through cutting, tearing, burning, or erasing. [Cases: Alteration of Instruments 1. C.J.S. Alteration of Instruments §§ 2–4.] 2. Criminal law. The act of cutting off or permanently damaging

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court of claims

A court with the authority to hear claims made against a state (or its political subdivision) for cases in which the state has waived sovereign immunity. — Also termed claims court. See UNITED STATES COURT OF FEDERAL CLAIMS. [Cases: States 184. C.J.S. States §§ 273–274, 280, 282.]

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pollution exclusion

A provision in some commercial general liability policies, excluding coverage for bodily injury or property damages arising from the discharge, dispersal, release, or escape of chemicals, waste, acid, and other pollutants. • Pollution-exclusion clauses may take one of two forms: (1) sudden and accidental, and (2) absolute. The sudden-and-accidental clause, usu. limited to policies issued

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