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filing, n. A particular document (such as a pleading) in the file of a court clerk or record custodian (the lawyer argued that the plaintiff’s most recent filing was not germane to the issue before the court). [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 664; Pleading 331. C.J.S. Pleading §§ 570, 572, 574–576, 578.]

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chamber, n. 1. A room or compartment (gas chamber). 2. A legislative or judicial body or other deliberative assembly (chamber of commerce). 3. The hall or room where such a body conducts business (the senate chamber). — chamber, adj. judge’s chamber. (usu. pl.) 1. The private room or office of a judge. 2. Any place

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plead over

plead over, vb. 1. To fail to notice a defective allegation in an opponent’s pleading. [Cases: Pleading 406(3), 409(3). C.J.S. Pleading §§ 829–831.] 2. Hist. To plead the general issue after a defendant has had a dilatory plea overruled. See AIDER BY PLEADING OVER.

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rebuttal evidence

Evidence offered to disprove or contradict the evidence presented by an opposing party. • Rebuttal evidence is introduced in the rebutting party’s answering case; it is not adduced, e.g., through cross-examination during the case-in-chief of the party to be rebutted. — Also termed rebutting evidence. [Cases: Criminal Law 683; Federal Civil Procedure 2015; Trial 62.

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infraction, n. A violation, usu. of a rule or local ordinance and usu. not punishable by incarceration. See VIOLATION(1). — infract, vb. civil infraction. An act or omission that, though not a crime, is prohibited by law and is punishable. • In some states, many traffic violations are classified as civil infractions.

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fed wire

Fed Wire. The Federal Reserve’s computer network that allows nearly instantaneous domestic money and securities transfers among the Federal Reserve’s offices, depository institutions, the U.S. Treasury, and other government agencies.

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actio negotiorum gestorum

(ak-shee-oh n[schwa]-goh-shee-or-[schwa]m jes-tor-[schwa]m).Roman law. An action against a gestor for the mismanagement of the principal’s property, or for any acquisitions made in the course of management. • The gestor could bring a counteraction to recover management-related expenses (actio contraria negotiorum gestorum). Pl. actiones negotiorum gestorum See NEGOTIORUM GESTOR.

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animal. Any living creature other than a human being. — Also termed creature. domestic animal. 1. An animal that is customarily devoted to the service of humankind at the time and in the place where it is helped. See DOMITAE NATURAE; MANSUETAE NATURAE. 2. Any animal that is statutorily so designated. feral animal. A domestic

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