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false advertising

false advertising, n. 1. The tortious and sometimes criminal act of distributing an advertisement that is untrue, deceptive, or misleading; esp., under the Lanham Trademark Act, an advertising statement that tends to mislead consumers about the characteristics, quality, or geographic origin of one’s own or someone else’s goods, services, or commercial activity. • Under §

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protective order

protective order. 1. A court order prohibiting or restricting a party from engaging in conduct (esp. a legal procedure such as discovery) that unduly annoys or burdens the opposing party or a third-party witness. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 1271; Pretrial Procedure 41. C.J.S. Discovery §§ 12, 47.] 2. RESTRAINING ORDER(1). emergency protective order. A temporary

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fundamental miscarriage of justice exception

fundamental-miscarriage-of-justice exception. The doctrine allowing a federal court in a habeas corpus proceeding to address a claim of constitutional error that, although ordinarily unreviewable, is subject to review because of a state-court procedural default that rendered the proceedings basically unfair. • For the exception to apply, among other things, the petitioner must show by a

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consul n. (1)(国际法)领事 指一国根据协议派驻他国某城市或地区的代表,一般可分为:总领事〔consul general〕、领事〔consul〕、副领事〔vice consul〕和领事代理人〔consul agent〕,除职业领事外,还可设名誉领事。领事的职责包括在驻在国保护本国及其公民的合法权益;增进本国与驻在国间的商业、经济、文化科学交往和友好关系;办理护照、签证、公证、认证;协助和管理本国侨民、船舶和航空器,以合法手段了解驻在国的情况。领事不享有外交代表的身份和特权,但领事人员人身不受侵犯,不受当地的司法管辖,馆舍不受侵犯,馆舍及领事人员皆享受免税待遇。 (2)(英格兰古法)伯爵的称号 (3)(罗马法)执政官 指罗马共和制时期每年选出的两名执政官,拥有最高执政权力。罗马帝国成立后,执政官职位仍予保留,但其权力已缩小成挂名职务,由皇帝任命或由皇帝兼任。

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duplicity n. (1)诉状中主张事实的复合 也称诉因或答辩理由并陈,为普通法上诉答程序中的一种技术性错误,指在一项诉讼理由〔count〕中陈述了两个或两个以上的诉因〔cause of action〕,或者在一项答辩〔plea〕中提出了两个或两个以上的答辩理由〔ground of defense〕。普通法上一般禁止多项诉因或答辩理由并陈,但现在英国对该规则的限制已宽松了许多,美国的《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕也允许提出此种诉状。 (2)数罪并诉 指在公诉书的同一罪项〔count〕中指控两项或两项以上的罪行。这在法律上是禁止的。 (3)立法项目并立指在同一立法中对两种或两种以上不相一致的主题作出规定。 (4)欺骗;口是心非;言行不一

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