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apographa ([schwa]-pog-r[schwa]-f[schwa]), n. pl.[fr. Greek apographein “to copy”] 1. Civil law. An examination and enumeration of things possessed; an inventory. 2. Copies; transcripts. — apographal, adj.

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moving part

moving part. Patents. A separate component of an apparatus that works together with another to produce the intended useful result. • Moving parts and a rule of operation generally distinguish an apparatus from an article of manufacture.

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department of justice

Department of Justice. The federal executive division that is responsible for federal law enforcement and related programs and services. • The U.S. Attorney General heads this department, which has separate divisions for prosecuting cases under federal antitrust laws, tax laws, environmental laws, and criminal laws. The department also has a civil division that represents the

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caucus (kaw-k[schwa]s), n. 1. Representatives from a political party who assemble to nominate candidates and decide party policy. [Cases: Elections 125. C.J.S. Elections § 104.] 2. A meeting of a group, usu. within a deliberative assembly, of people aligned by party or interest to formulate a policy or strategy. — caucus, vb. “The term caucus

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abstain, vb. 1. To voluntarily refrain from doing something, such as voting in a deliberative assembly. 2. (Of a federal court) to refrain from exercising jurisdiction over a matter. [Cases: Federal Courts 41–65.]

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