Search Results for: NTIA

earnest money

earnest money. A deposit paid (often in escrow) by a prospective buyer (esp. of real estate) to show a good-faith intention to complete the transaction, and ordinarily forfeited if the buyer defaults. • Although earnest money has traditionally been a nominal sum (such as a nickel or a dollar) used in the sale of goods,

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home study report

home-study report. Family law. A summary of an investigation into a child’s home, family environment, and background, usu. prepared by a social worker when a child has been removed from his or her home because of abuse or neglect, but also prepared after a similar investigation of the home of potential adoptive parents. — Often

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bad man theory

bad-man theory. The jurisprudential doctrine or belief that a bad person’s view of the law represents the best test of what the law actually is because that person will carefully calculate precisely what the rules allow and operate up to the rules’ limits. • This theory was first espoused by Oliver Wendell Holmes in his

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diplomatic agent

A national representative in one of four categories: (1) ambassadors, (2) envoys and ministers plenipotentiary, (3) ministers resident accredited to the sovereign, or (4) chargés d’affaires accredited to the mi-nister of foreign affairs. [Cases: Ambassadors and Consuls 1–8. C.J.S. Ambassadors and Consuls §§ 2–32.]

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reasonable, adj. 1. Fair, proper, or moderate under the circumstances ( reasonable pay). 2. According to reason (your argument is reasonable but not convincing). “It is extremely difficult to state what lawyers mean when they speak of ‘reasonableness.’ In part the expression refers to ordinary ideas of natural law or natural justice, in part to

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change of condition

change of condition. 1. Workers’ compensation. A substantial worsening of an employee’s physical health oc-curring after an award, as a result of which the employee merits an increase in benefits. [Cases: Workers’ Com-pensation 2005–2012. C.J.S. Workmen’s Compensation §§ 1509, 1511–1525, 1558–1560.] 2. Family law. CHANGE IN CIRCUMSTANCES.

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