保密 英语:confidentiality 法语:confidentialité 德语:Vertraulichkeit 意大利语:carattere confidenziale, segretezza, riservatezza 西班牙语:confidencialidad, secreto
保密 英语:confidentiality 法语:confidentialité 德语:Vertraulichkeit 意大利语:carattere confidenziale, segretezza, riservatezza 西班牙语:confidencialidad, secreto
confidentiality, n. 1. Secrecy; the state of having the dissemination of certain information restricted. 2. The relation between lawyer and client or guardian and ward, or between spouses, with regard to the trust that is placed in the one by the other. [Cases: Witnesses 184–223. C.J.S. Witnesses §§ 297–389.]