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bareboat charter

A charter under which the shipowner surrenders possession and control of the vessel to the charterer, who then succeeds to many of the shipowner’s rights and obligations. • The charterer, who provides the personnel, insurance, and other materials necessary to operate the vessel, is known either as a demise charterer or as an owner pro […]

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unloading n. 卸货;卸下;免除 汽车责任保险中的卸货条款应根据「全程」〔complete operation〕规则来解释。保险人应承保从卸货到在指定地点交付收货人的整个过程。当货物卸离车辆并在指定地点交收货人管理时,即使收货人或其代理人再转运货物,保险合同所适用的「卸货」义务也已完成。

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anarchy, n. 1. Absence of government; lawlessness. 2. A sociopolitical theory holding that the only legitimate form of government is one under which individuals govern themselves voluntarily, free from any collective power structure enforcing compliance with social order. — anarchic, adj. criminal anarchy. A doctrine advocating the overthrow of organized government by force or violence,

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fee damages

Damages awarded to the owner of abutting property for injury caused by the construction and operation of an elevated railroad. • The term is used because the damage is to the property owner’s easements of light, air, and access, which are parts of the fee.

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witness tampering

witness-tampering. The act or an instance of obstructing justice by intimidating, influencing, or harassing a witness before or after the witness testifies. • Several state and federal laws, including the Victim and Witness Protection Act of 1982 (18 USCA § 1512), provide criminal penalties for tampering with witnesses or other persons in the context of

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complete diversity

In a multiparty case, diversity between both sides to the lawsuit so that all plaintiffs have different citizenship from all defendants. • Complete diversity must exist for a federal court to have diversity jurisdiction over the matter. The rule of complete diversity was first laid down by Chief Justice Marshall in Strawbridge v. Curtiss, 7

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court rules

court rules 法院规则 规定不同法院的诉讼程序和实务、具有法的效力的规则,如《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕、《美国最高法院规则》〔U.S. Supreme Court Rules〕、《联邦证据规则》〔Federal Rules of Evidence〕。

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