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particeps criminis

particeps criminis (pahr-t[schwa]-seps krim-[schwa]-nis), n. [Latin “partner in crime”] 1. An accomplice or accessory. See ACCESSORY. Pl. participes criminis (pahr-tis-[schwa]-peez). [Cases: Criminal Law 59, 68. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 127, 137, 998.] “The courts of justice will allow the objection that the consideration of the contract was immoral or illegal to be made even by […]

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academic, adj. 1. Of or relating to a school or a field of study; esp., of or relating to a field of study that is not vocational or commercial, such as the liberal arts (academic courses). 2. Theoretical; specif., not practical or immediately useful (academic question).

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bootstrap doctrine

bootstrap doctrine. Conflict of laws. The doctrine that forecloses collateral attack on the jurisdiction of another state’s court that has rendered final judgment. • The doctrine applies when a court in an earlier case has taken jurisdiction over a person, over status, or over land. It is based on the principle that under res judicata,

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subject matter

subject matter. 1. The issue presented for consideration; the thing in which a right or duty has been asserted; the thing in dispute; SUBJECT(2). See CORPUS(1). 2. PATENTABLE SUBJECT MATTER. — Sometimes written (as a noun) subject-matter. — subject-matter, adj.

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